
Welcome to the We Are Here Scotland directory. This is a searchable database of Black and People of Colour creatives and cultural professionals in Scotland. The purpose is to enable people to network and build relationships with one another, it’s also to help create working opportunities and to share with the wider creative industries in Scotland and beyond.

You will find a search function further down this page that will enable you to search for keywords to narrow down your search (e.g. Aberdeen, artist) and to view full profiles, simply click on the profile image.

If you’re looking to hire or commission creatives from our directory, please review Fair Pay Guidelines to ensure equitable compensation for our creative community. Please note that while some creatives may be open to collaboration, volunteering, or other forms of engagement, it’s important to respect their preferences and terms.

If you would like to be added to the directory, please complete THIS FORM. If you require an alternative version of application, please contact

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